House Cleaning

The Ishpeckian Network's gotten a lot of clutter in it. Now that I'm (regrettably) using more mobile platforms, I decided to make my site even more spartan. Pictures were just too much noise.

I'm also going to shift the content back to the Ishpeckian Network's roots: entertainment and blather about game design/development. It just seems like a better way to go. But I won't do like I did when I first discovered how to embed RSS feeds… yeah, that was a mistake.

Eventually, I'd like to move my political crap into another domain entirely. But that will require work and I've already got some dead links floating around is it is.

Welcome to the new Ishynet, kids! And, hey! If you think it's ugly, you should install Stylish and try something on UserStyles.org!

Date: 2013-06-24 00:53

Author: Anthony "Ishpeck" Tedjamulia

Org version 7.9.3f with Emacs version 24

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